
Hard Copy w/ Pattern Available!

          A La Mode Spring 2011       
      A La Mode Issue 1:      A La Mode Spring 2011   
      Mission Statement:To inspire others to be creative and initiate greaterindividuality in all that surrounds them; to sharepassions, ideas, and talents. We will create a broaderawareness of the liberatingpower in the act of creation.There is joy to be found inusing and expanding ourtalents and…   
              Find out more on MagCloud         


Open publication - Free publishing - More art

**If you want the pattern inside you will need to buy a physical copy from magcloud.com. It should be available for purchase later today.

Issue 1

It's finally done! Yay! I will be uploading it later today.


So where's the magazine?

Okay...so we've had some last minute glitches with the finalization of the magazine. We will keep you posted on its release time. Hopefully very soon! It's coming together very nicely though. I think our readers are going to love it.


Summer Issue 2010

The first issue of A La Mode Magazine will be released by June 15th, 2010. We are very excited!